06.052016May 6, 2016 “God Forbid They Not Return the Kids… We Do not Play Tic Tac Toe With Norway”By adminIn Articles, englishTags barnevernet, Bodnariu Family, christian persecution, global protest, marius and ruth bodnariu, norway return the children, stop barnevernet, visit norway Pastor Cristian Ionescu from Elim Pentecostal Church in Chicago is the main architect of the global pro-Bodnariu/anti-Barnevernet movement. He is...
06.052016May 6, 2016 „Ferească Dumnezeu să nu le dea copiii! Nu jucăm X şi 0 cu Norvegia”By adminIn Articles, romanaTags adevarul, barnevernet, Bodnariu Family, christian persecution, cristian ionescu, global protest, marius and ruth bodnariu, norway return the children, stop barnevernet, visit norway EXCLUSIV Pastorul din SUA care a scos în stradă zeci de mii de oameni în cazul Bodnariu: „Ferească Dumnezeu să...
29.042016April 29, 2016 Norsemen Raiders Take ChildrenBy adminIn Articles, englishTags barnevernet, Bodnariu Family, marius and ruth bodnariu, norway return the children, ROD DREHER, stop barnevernet This is an absolutely chilling story from Norway, whose state-run child protection agency seizes children and separates them from families...
28.042016April 28, 2016 66.6 ore in Norvegia – Interviu cu avocatul Peter CosteaBy adminIn Articles, romanaTags barnevernet, Bodnariu Family, marius and ruth bodnariu, nasul tv, norway return the children, peter costea, stop barnevernet, visit norway Interviu cu avocatul Peter Costea Emisiune “Nasul” cu Radu Moraru
15.042016April 15, 2016 Interview on WMBI radio with Karl & June about the #BodnariuFamily and April 16 protestsBy adminIn Articles, englishTags 1104, barnevernet, bodnariu, Bodnariu Family On April 14, 2016, we were honored to have Cristian Ionescu, pastor of the Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church in Chicago...
12.042016April 14, 2016 66.6 hours in NorwayBy adminIn Articles, englishTags barnevernet, Bodnariu Family, children, marius and ruth bodnariu, norway, secularism Peter Costea is a civil rights attorney practicing in Houston, Texas. He also holds a PhD in diplomacy from the...
13.022016April 14, 2016 Serious reasons for concernBy adminIn Bodnariu Family Case Updates, englishTags barnevernet, marius and ruth bodnariu, norway PRESS RELEASE – FEBRUARY, 13TH 2016 – SERIOUS REASON FOR CONCERN In the last public statement, describing the first visit...
08.022016April 14, 2016 Barnevernet or Upside – Down Psychiatry For DummiesBy adminIn Articles, englishTags barnevernet, Bodnariu Family, daniela maris, norway Dr. Daniela Maris “From the moment information began to appear on social media I have followed the unfolding drama of...