Involvement for Those Supporting the Bodnariu Family,
We would like to thank you for the support you have given in light of constant fasting and prayer, through protests and official steps, over the course of the last couple of months. We know the availability and desire that you have shown in wanting to help us, and so we invite you to participate in this next operation throughout the months of March and April entitled, Operation “Global Letters”
The goal of this operation is to send letters to Norwegian institutes, international institutes, National Parliaments, International News Agencies, through which we will request involvement towards a positive solution in the Bodnariu case, and to cease the abuses of the Barnevernet. The protests from the past months took place in 24 different countries, 56 cities, and involved 70,000 protestors. It resulted in attracting the attention of Norwegian authorities, alongside other international organizations as well. Therefore, we consider this an opportunity to amplify and sustain the support for the Bodnariu case, while at the same time denouncing the abuses of Barnevernet.
1. Letter
Here you have a letter written in English addressed to political institutions, international forums and international media outlets. Letter is available available if you click on the link below:
Please fill in the letter as follows:
- Write your name on first line
- Write your address on second line
- Write the date on third line
- Write name of person or institution where the letter goes
- On the bottom line, sign your name
2. Postal Addresses
- Erna Solberg – Prime Minister – P.O. Box 8001 Dep. 0030 Oslo, Norway
- Solveig Horne – Minister of Children and Equality – Akersgata 59, 0030 Oslo, Norway
- Barne, ungdoms og familiedirektoratet – P.O. Box 2233, 3103 Tønsberg, Norway
- The Royal Court of Norway – The Royal Palace, 0010 Oslo, Norway
- Senterpartiet (Sp) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- Høyre (H) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- Arbeiderpartiet (Ap) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- Venstre (V) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- Miljøpartiet De Grønne (MDG) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- Fremskrittspartiet (FrP) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- Sosialistisk Venstreparti (SV) – Stortinget N-0026 Oslo Norway
- UNICEF Norge – Rådhusgata 24 Postboks 438 Sentrum 0103 Oslo, Norway
- United Nations Office at Geneva – Office of the Director-General – Palais des Nations Avenue de la Paix 8-14, 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland
- United Nations Office at Vienna – Vienna International Centre PO Box 500 , 1400 Vienna Austria
- International Committee of the Red Cross – 19 Avenue de la Paix CH 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
- EU Petions – 60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Brussels, Belgium
- Donald Tusk, President of the European Council – Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 B-1048 Brussel, Belgium
- European Parliament president – Martin Schulz – Rue Wiertz 60 1047 Brussel, Belgium
- European Commission president – Jean-Claude Juncker – Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 200 1049 Brussels, Belgium
- EU Foreign Affairs Comitee – 60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 Brussels, Belgium
- EU Human Rights Comitee – 60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 B-1047 BrusselsBelgium
- CNN – 1 CNN Center POB 105366, Atlanta, GA 30348 USA
- BBC – Broadcasting House Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, UK
- Euronews – 56, quai Rambaud, 69002 Lyon, France
- Associated Press – 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY USA
- Deutsche Welle – Voltastraße 6,13355 Berlin, Germany
- F.A.Z. – Hellerhofstraße 2, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
3. Mailing The Letters
After filling out the letter, including a signature at the bottom, place the letter in the envelope. Write the complete mailing address on the front of the envelope, applying the proper stamp to cover the shipping cost to the addressed city (you can ask support from your local post office for mailing stamps if needed).
4. Comunication
In order to communicate, collaborate, and to prevent any problems or issues from arriving during this project, please send communications to You can also reach this Facebook page for communication needs as well.
In conclusion, we want to reiterate the appreciation and thankfulness we have for the help you have given and for the fact that you will continue to be involved with projects like this. With the help of The Lord we hope this project will help restore the Marius and Ruth Bodnariu family with their five children.