On Friday, June 3, 2016 Viking raiders sheepishly released the Bodnariu children back to their parents after feeling the wrath...
Archive for category: Articles
Raport pe Cazul Bodnariu în Adunarea Parlamentară a Consiliului Europei
Comisia pentru Afaceri Sociale, Sănătate și Dezvoltare Durabilă a Adunării Parlamentare a Consiliului Europei (APCE) a decis astăzi, 2 Iunie...
Report on Bodnariu Case approved in The Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe
The members of the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe...
Annually, in Norway, nearly 10,000 children are taken away from their parents on a whim by Barnevernet, Norway’s Child Protective...
Cazul Bodnariu – Chemare la post și rugăciune: 26 – 28 Mai
În perioada 30 Mai – 2 Iunie, Marius și Ruth Bodnariu se vor înfățișa înaintea unei comisii administrative locale care...
International Attorney Petition for the release of Bodnariu children
On Friday, May 13, 2016 a group of over 100 attorneys from various countries around the world, including four (4)...
Cazul Bodnariu – Petiții către Uniunea Europeană
Considerăm că ar fi potrivit ca încă de la început să spunem că tot ceea ce am facut și vom mai...
4 Empty Beds: Norway Still Refuses to Return Bodnariu Children
A HSLDA story On April 16, thousands gathered around the world to protest the mistreatment of families like the Bodnarius—including...
Norway rebuked at Houston’s international oil conference
OTC (”Offshore Technology Conference”) is an annual event occurring in May in Houston, Texas, the world’s energy capital. It is...
“God Forbid They Not Return the Kids… We Do not Play Tic Tac Toe With Norway”
Pastor Cristian Ionescu from Elim Pentecostal Church in Chicago is the main architect of the global pro-Bodnariu/anti-Barnevernet movement. He is...